March 13, 1964 - 28 year old Kitty Genovese was attacked and stabbed by a man with a knife outside the New York apartment building where she lived . As she cried out for help lights came on inside the building, and one resident shouted out "Leave her alone." The assailant fled but when the lights went out, he came back again and continued his attack. Again the lights came on and once again a voice shouted "Leave her alone." And once again the attacker fled. She crawled up the steps to the door and the attacker returned a third time. This time he finished killing her. Someone called the police and they were there in 2 minutes. Sadly no one cared enough to go to her aid, afraid that they might be attacked too. No one cared. Custom at the time was no one wanted to become involved. Because they didn't care, she died.
This psalm written by King David who said he felt like no one cared for his soul.
We know King Saul hated David because he felt his throne was threatened. David may have been afraid and hiding in a cave from Saul when he wrote this psalm.
The New Testament describes people who feel no one cares about them.
Luke 19:10 tells us the person feels lost. Ephesians 2:12 tells us that people without Christ feel they are without hope and without God in the world. John says the person feels like he will perish, is condemned, and under God's wrath. Ephesians says that person is spiritually dead.
GOD CARES and he always has, ever since the Garden of Eden when he went looking for Adam and Eve. God cares because he loves men.
The SON CARES. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. He wept over Jerusalem. He died once for all people. He cares.
The SPIRIT OF GOD CARES. He draws all people to trust Christ and give them eternal life. The Holy Spirit says come! He invites you to trust Jesus.
The SAVED IN HEAVEN CARE.There is joy in heaven over one who co mes to Christ. Hebrews 12 tells us we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. They are cheering you from heaven.
The LOST IN HELL CARE. The Bible says they regret not having trusted in Jesus. They don't want you to make the same mistake. Consider the rich young ruler.
So, we Christians on earth now care and we are compelled to care enough to do something. Do you remember someone who cared for you when you were growing up? A Sunday School teacher, a preacher, a Christian friend. Someone cared for your soul. Do you really care... enough to tell someone about Jesus?
Our SBC Guidestone conducted a questionairre asking Christians if they have shared Jesus. Only about 5% of Christians have. Proverbs says "He that winneth souls is wise." We have a Distinct Commission to go and tell everyone in Matthew 28; and we are asked a Deliberate Question to share Jesus. And we should have a Determined Response. "I care and I will go and tell."
In the 60's there was a youth musical called "Do You Really Care?" The theme song says there are people who are dying to know just that somebody cares. It asks will you take the dare and spread the good news everywhere, do you really care? Think of the name of someone whom you can share Jesus with and be ready to share Jesus the next time you see him or her.
Apollo 13, April 1970, the message was heard "Houston, we have a problem." A while after the launch, there was a failure of a small switch that caused the mission to the moon not to continue for lack of oxygen to the 3 astronauts... thankfully they returned to the earth safely. Something small affected that huge mission. Principle: something minor can cause major damage and affect something very large.
Ecclesiastes 10:1 tells us that we have a fly in the ointment in our relationship with God... and it is called sin.
Usages of Ointment - Ointments were used for economic purposes - sometimes soldiers were paid in ointment. Ointments were used to consecrate and anoint priests. Ointments were used for practical hygienic reasons as well as for perfume. Ointments were used as medicines - we recall the balm in Gilead. The ointment container had a lid placed on it to keep the flies out.
Something minor can have a huge affect - 1 untuned trumpet; small bit of mold on bread; 1 rotten egg can spoil a recipe; an incorrect computer code can prevent access; a computer virus can wipe out valuable information... Eve's small bite of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden; 1 outburst in a crowd of people; 1 golden calf affected the entire nation of Israel to spend 40 years of wandering; and 1 lone fly can spoil an ointment.
God is our apothecary... the one who prepared the healing "ointment" for our sinful natures. We are his anointed priests - anointed with his ointment of forgiveness and salvation, cleansing us from the punishment of all our sin. 2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in them that are saved and in them that perish. to the one we are the savor of death unto death and to the other the savor of life unto life. C.S. Lewis said he looked at his life and didn't like what he saw. What about you? any evidence o f bitterness, envy, gossip, worry, unkind spirit, complaining, anger, unholy thought, lying, cheating...?
Against these things we have help in God's Word, in His Holy Spirit, in private and congregational worship, and in fellowship with Christian friends - to help keep these sins away... So close the LID!
Hebrews tells us to encourage one another - to stir up each other to good works.
What do we do about the flies that are already in the ointment? God remakes the ointment - 2 Corinthians 5:17 we become new creations in Christ Jesus, old things pass away, all things become new. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and CLEANSE US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS!
Look inside your life with the purpose to clean it up and confess your sin to God. Don't let sin ruin your life! Show his love to everyone you meet!
In Roman mythology, the god Janus, the god of beginnings, had two heads, one looking backward and the other looking forward. (The idea of making resolutions was supposedly inspired by this "deity" who called on people to see where they they had come from and to make goals of where they wanted to go.
People today make good resolutions to replace bad things or habits in their lives with good things. January 14 is Quitters Day, supposedly how long the average person keeps his or her resolutions.
Consider Proverbs 3 as a great place to get help in making your resolutions. If we will heed or keep our resolutions, we will be happier in the new year.
1)RESOLVE TO SHOW MERCY AND TRUTH, (V. 3-4). Be responsible, respectful and reliable. Paul said we ought to speak the truth in love. Jesus is the greatest example of mercy and truth.
2) RESOLVE TO TRUST IN AND THINK ABOUT GOD, (V. 5-6). God really knows what is best and wants the best for us. Protect your relationship with Jesus above all else.
3) RESOLVE NOT TO TRUST IN ME - (v. 7-8). Trust in God and not in your own self sufficiency. Peter had too high a thought about his self sufficiency and he failed. But Jesus gives us second chance to totally trust him just as he did Peter. BE DEPENDENT ON GOD.
4) RESOLVE TO HONOR GOD WITH YOUR POSSESSIONS - (v. 9-10). Give him the firstfruits of your income, remembering a tenth belongs to him and failing to give him a tenth means you are robbing God. He is also interested in how you spend the other 90%... honor him with all of your life and income.
5) RESOLVE TO LISTEN TO GOD'S INSTRUCTIONS (v.11-12). Be so convinced of his love for you that you listen to his instruction and correction. Listen to his Word, other believers, and your prayer life. STOP, LOOK, LISTEN
6) RESOLVE TO SEEK AFTER NA DUSE WISDOM (v.13-24). Wisdom can even lead you to restful sleep. Don't confuse knowledge and wisdom - facts and inspiration from God. James 1:5
7) RESOLVE NOT TO LIVE IN FEAR (v. 25-26). Fear is real but do not dwell in it. "Perfect love casteth out fear." "Fear not for I am with thee." Ultimately things will be OK. "He has not give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7. Whether we live or die we will be with Jesus.
8) RESOLVE TO BE GENEROUS (v.27-28). If you have it, give it... to Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, to Disaster Relief, to Children's Hospital, etc. AWBC members give over and above their tithes each month when we give to our monthly mission projects. Be generous with your time and talents as well.
9) RESOLVE NOT TO PLOT EVIL (v. 29-30) against your neighbor. be known as a peacemaker not a peace breaker. Treat your neighbor well. Watch your temper: ask God to control you (Patience)
10) RESOLVE TO MAKE WISE CHOICES (v. 31-32) don't just choose by looks or the one who makes the most noise. See people as God sees them. Will your role model lead you to God or away from him?
Finally promises good to those who follow these wise sayings and warnings of evil to those who do not follow them.
SO... In your resolutions, honor God and embrace wisdom. And he will give us wisdom, IF WE ASK.