- Pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on Brother Steve as he preaches.
- Pray for any lost person present that they will realize their need for the Savior and will have the have courage to follow Jesus.
- Pray that we will be sensitive to God's leadership and direction.
- Pray that we will be aware of the Lord's Presence as we worship him every week.
- Pray that we will become more committed to sharing Jesus every day.
February Mission Emphasis
New Jerusalem Church (our host church). Joseph's Pantry - clothing and food. Food - nothing specific other than homeless items - ready to eat and easy open canned items.
Gwen Cannon is their coordinator for this ministry which serves hundreds of people each month.
Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
In 2000 when Nell Rose's father and only brother died, we prayed and asked the Lord, if it was his will, that he let us stay close enough to take care of Mrs. Daniels, her mother. HE DID! BOTH AT WOODVILLE HEIGHTS AND ALTA WOODS.
You all know that for some time we have wanted to be closer to our children and grandchildren. When the California kids moved to Birmingham this past summer, we began to ask the Lord again for his guidance and wisdom. God had it all planned that they would be here when Nell Rose's mother died August 1. He had fulfilled his promise to allow us to stay close by and take care of her for the past 24 years.
We have continued to pray in earnest about our future and we believe he is opening a door for us to move to Tuscaloosa to watch our grandchildren grow up. There are still many prayers to be answered but we have found a place and if everything goes according to what we understand so far, we are planning to move to Tuscaloosa in late March. We still have a house to sell but that is in His hands too.
We have experienced his faithfulness over and over again through you as you have shown us his love and patience and kindness. We love you and thank the Lord for leading us here to serve him with you almost 23 years ago. It was May 1, 2002 when we came after meeting with your personnel committee members, Bill Loveless and Vernon Smith.
We ask you to continue to pray for us constantly, that we will find a place to worship and serve him there.
Love in Christ's service
Sid and Nell Rose Johnson
Philippians 1:3-6
When Christ took your place on the cross, he locked you in his love and threw away the key. Because of his brutal love demonstrated on the cross, you are completely reconciled to God, reinstated into his family and lavished in his care. Because of the cross you are never helpless and alone, no matter what this world may throw at you.