The month of October we are beginning to collect items for Christmas shoeboxes for children...
Franklin Graham's Christmas Child Ministry. We have the shoeboxes in the Fellowship Hall. Pick up as many as you would like. You have the whole month of October to fill them. They will be due to be turned in the first Sunday in November.
God bless all of you who gave to the Margaret Lackey State Offering. By giving, one of the things you supported is Disaster Relief. I am pleased to tell you that our Mississippi Baptists Disaster Relief teams have responded to the terrible flooding in the southeast caused by Hurricane Helene. Please pray for all the families that have been affected and for the safety of all the responders.
I appreciate all the gifts you have donated to the Billy Brumfield House. I will deliver them this week! As I have said, you are a wonderful people to serve our Lord with because you put your faith into action as the Lord has commanded us.
As you make your decision about whom to vote for, consider what God's Word says about the issues that the candidate is supporting! What does God's Word say about the lifestyle of the candidate? Does it contradict the teachings of God's Word? Has the candidate brought glory to God in the way they live and what they have done? As you well know, there are many people who call themselves Christians and are members of one church or another. God says "not everyone who calls me Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but those who do the will of my Father who is in heaven." We should obey God rather than men! Always pray first!
-adapted from John MacArthur... Our nation was founded on beliefs that are rooted in Scripture beginning with "we are endowed by our Creator with certain self evident, unalienable rights... Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness." Moral and religious values have become questioned and scorned as relics of ancient history. Characteristic of our nation today is what we find in Judges 21:25 which says "Everyone did what was right in his own eyes." That is a recipe for disorder and disaster. We should learn from history that the steps of the decline of a nation are clear if we will but open our eyes. Decline begins with unbelief in God and his moral truths. It next goes to idolatry, greed, murder, deceit, slanderers, unmerciful, uncontrolled lusts, every conceivable expression of unrighteousness." Too many leaders in our nation have ignored God and his moral values. Their depraved minds have been corrupted by the lies of Satan who started it all when he asked of Adam "Did God really say that?" Men today are saying the same thing and consequently are on the course of self destruction and the destruction of America. Yes, God really did say that and the sin was in saying that Adam and Eve knew better than God what to do and how they should live. Because of their disobedience, they were driven out of Eden before they committed a worse sin and ate of the Tree of Life. They did NOT know how to live a better and happier life... God did... and God still does! John MacArthur concludes mankind needs to turn its back on our sinful ideas and ways and return to God. Seek the Lord before it is too late and He will have mercy and abundantly pardon. "If we will confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 God is indeed good to all.